Shipping Policy


How much does shipping cost?

Shipping rates or service may vary based on the weight of your package and the location you would like the package shipped. Customers will receive a follow-up email confirmation with tracking information once the order has been sent.

How do I know if my order shipped?
Once you place an order, you will receive an automatic confirmation email. Once your order is processed and ready to leave our distribution center, you will receive another email with tracking information.
Please allow 7-10 BUSINESS DAYS handling time on all other orders.
If an item is unavailable in our warehouse, we do our best to find your item in one of our other locations. If the item is available at another location, it will be shipped in its package. These items can take an additional 2-3 business days to process. After it sends, you will r an email with your tracking information.

My tracking info shows my package was delivered but never received it.
We know how important your order is! If the tracking information states that your items have been delivered but you have not received them, please check around your neighborhood in case another home received them by mistake. Speak with family, roommates, etc., if they received it on your behalf. The package may also have been left with property managers or an apartment office.
We will always do our best to assist you, but Money Junkies Apparel does not hold responsibility for lost or stolen packages in transit. If you cannot locate your package, you must contact the shipping carrier and file a claim with them to discuss the issue.
-United States Postal Service (USPS) 1 (800) 222-1811
-DHL Worldwide: 1 (800) 225-5345

Do you ship internationally?


Shipping rates and shipment time depend on the destination country. International Shipping requires passage through customs, which may cause a delay time of arrival.
International customers must pay applicable sales tax, duties, and customs charges determined by their local government and vary by country. Duties, taxes, and/or customs fees will be an additional amount collected upon delivery of your order. We are unable to provide you with the exact amount of the charges. Your order confirmation details only the amount collected by Don't hesitate to contact your local government for specific information.


* We do not ship to International P.O. boxes
* All orders are subject to verification before processing and shipping.
* We must complete a customs declaration with the retail value of the item(s) purchased. Money Junkies Apparel cannot legally declare your order as a gift.
* Our current available shipping method is through UPS and DHL. This can change at any time.
* Selected products are not available to ship outside of the United States. Items we cannot ship internationally are:
- Hazardous Materials: Aerosol Spray and Lithium Ion Batteries, Lighters.
- Orders of any of these products will be canceled in our system.
* Some inventory on our site is held in our Money Junkies Apparel, which cannot ship internationally. If your order includes an item only available in a store, we will notify you.
* The customer assumes any return shipping cost for refunds or exchanges.
* We may contact you by email during the order verification step to request additional information. If we do not receive a response within three business days after our attempted contact, that order will be canceled.
* By completing your order, you agree to pay all applicable fees. A 25% restocking fee will be assessed on orders that are refused by the customer at the time of delivery or returned due to an "un-deliverable" address If your order is refused upon delivery. All original shipping costs are non-refundable